Tips to Declutter Your Life

What does it mean to clear space? The beginning of a new year can be a wonderful time to purge what no longer serves you.  Many people will find themselves partaking in post-holiday detoxes and other practices to help them start anew.  But, have you ever thought about how these rituals affect us energetically?

When we remove clutter, we create room for expansion. We make space for new goals, thoughts, ideas, people, and perspectives. It may sound daunting, but small changes can have a great impact on your health and well-being, mind, body, spirit, and soul.  

Here are a few places to get started.

  1. Organize Your Contacts!

    It's time to reevaluate who's taking up space on your contact list. Take a scroll through your phone. Who is serving you? Who is hurting you? Who are you indifferent to? If you haven't spoken in over five years, maybe it's time to let go, or perhaps it's time to reconnect with an old friend.  Make this the year of reciprocity

  2. Unsubscribe!

    Tidy up your digital space. “You’ve got mail”! So much mail! Start by unsubscribing the mass marketing! If you haven’t shopped there in a year, it’s time to say goodbye. Empty your trash and spam folders. Finally, the dreaded inbox. Start small. Set a goal for yourself, maybe delete 10-20 per day. E-mail is a large part of our communication, professionally and personally. Releasing old communication opens up space for new, positive, and healthy exchanges to occur.

  3. Clear Out Your Car!

    We spend lots of time in this space, so elevate your environment.  Your car is an extension of you. Declutter and remove any trash. Maybe a spit, shine & polish is in order! Give your ride the TLC it deserves. Add some calming essential oils, some protection crystals, and create a new playlist for 2025.  Keeping your space tidy & uplifting helps calm the nervous system, allowing you to operate at your best on and off the road.

  4. What's In Your Wallet?! 

    Currency is energy!  Let's invite some good vibes into our wallets. Clean it out. Ditch the old receipts, spare change, and membership cards that are no longer relevant. Do you have any high-interest/high-balance credit cards? Take them out to prevent wasteful spending. Keep your cash organized. For extra points, hide a piece of pyrite or jade in a pocket. Make room for financial abundance

  5. Shower Power!

    Make your bath your sanctuary!  Rinse, recycle & replace.  Ditch the old plastic bottles of shampoo, lotions, and potions.  Start fresh with new bath soaps & accessories.  Switch them out for something more soothing or luxurious.  Add some candles, bath salt, maybe some fresh new towels, and even a house plant  This is where you start your day.  Make it your own, personal self-care retreat. 

  6. Give!

    Giving is a sweet offering that boosts your energy and spirit. Books, shoes, handbags, clothes? What are you holding onto? If it’s gently used, not sentimental, and you haven’t touched it in a year, donate it to someone in need. Holding onto things is an emotional response to lack and invites a scarcity mindset. When we let go of stuff that we’ve been carrying around for too long, we make space for new and often greater things to arrive.

    This list may seem overwhelming. The good news is these practices can be done any time of year. Go at your own pace. Take only what resonates with you.

    Cheers to raising your vibe in 2025! Hope you found this helpful.

    May all your wishes come true!

    Love yous!



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